Ever heard the bells ringing out across the village and fields? Ever wondered how it happens – who makes it happen? It could be you!
St Mary’s Church, Sweffling has a ring of 6 bells.

Sweffling bells hanging in the belfry (spot the Ringing Master)










The two oldest were cast in 1716 by Suffolk bellfounder, Thomas Gardiner, from Sudbury when George I was on the throne, and the year landscape architect ‘Capability’ Brown and the poet Thomas Gray were born.

You can find out more about our bells here: https://dove.cccbr.org.uk/detail.php?tower=13912#ring-3913

The bells were rehung in 1888 by George Day & Son of Eye (below).



The Rendham and Sweffling Society of Church Bellringers was formed following the successful bell restoration project at Rendham in 2003. Our ringers usually become members of The Suffolk Guild of Ringers – we are in the North East District and have been known to win a trophy or two https://www.suffolkbells.org.uk


When are the bells rung?

We ring the bells before most Sunday services at Sweffling on 1st and 3rd Sundays in the month and at Rendham on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. If you are a ringer and planning to come to service ringing, please contact the Secretary (below) in advance to ensure we will be ringing on that date. 



Why be a ringer?

It’s fun! Learn a new skill, meet new people of all ages and walks of life, contribute to the life of the village and community, and be part of the generations of ringers who have ensured Sweffling bells have been heard for over 300 years. Follow this link to see records of special ringing from 1992 onwards https://bb.ringingworld.co.uk/search.php?place=Sweffling


How to get involved

Our band is very depleted at the moment but we will be teaching new ringers in due course. If you are interested in learning to ring and would like further information and/or to go on the waiting list, please contact the RSSCB Secretary.


Key people

Tower Captain: John Tesh

Ringing Master: Jonathan Stevens

Tower Secretary: suzannestevens@swefling-furniture.co.uk 07789 522800

Form with that ID does not exist2Captions for photos

Sweffling bells hanging in the belfry (spot the Ringing Master)

Inscription on the bell frame

Inscription on the bell frame

Inscription on the bell frame

One of the trophies won by RSSCB

Bellropes – the fluffy bit is called the sallie and the rope the tail end

View from the ringing room; people happily socialising after Sunday service

Looking west over Sweffling from the belfry window